Parameters to Append Dialog

Use the Parameters to Append dialog to add or edit parameters appended to the URL specified in the iframe(interface).

To open this dialog box, from the panel for the iframe(interface) choose the to add a new parameter or click on the parameter you want to edit and then click on the Edit button.

Name is the name of the parameter to append to the URL. This may be case sensitive depending on he URL chosen.

Variable is the model variable that will be used to determine the value assigned to the name chosen. Click on to open the Find windowand select a variable, or type and use autocomplete.

The variable value will be passed as a number with high precision, and will not use the number formatting specifications for the variable. Thus CLOCKTIME will always be passed as an integer.


In the above dialog the name is listed as Time and the variable being shown is TimeStamp. If TimeStamp has the equation INIT(CLOCKTIME) this will identify when the current run was started. The request passed on to the server identified by the URL will have appended to is an expression with Time=value. For example if the URL is then the complete string passed to get the content for the iframe might be

This value (1552262828) could then be matched to a value in recorded for Data Collection to identify the results associated with the query.

For a more complete example see iframe(interface).